Monday, April 2, 2012

Buying Green: Raising Honeycomb Kids

I recently had the chance to review Honeycomb Kids: Big Picture Parenting for a Changing World and to Change the World!.

What is a honeycomb kid? In the author's words, it's a kid who has the benefits of the honeycomb in nature: beauty, strength, utility, nutrition, healing, sweetness, and longevity.

The book starts rather bleak, looking at the "big issues" that face the world right now, things like climate change, resource scarcity, health issues, and many more scary things going on. But then it ends this brief section with hope, and a promise to provide practical ideas to help kids contribute positively to these issues.

The next 24 chapters (don't worry, they're short!) look in-depth at a positive trait to instill in your children. After defining and discussing the trait, there are several "thought launchers & conversation starters" that provide ways to get the dialogue going in your family. This is where the meat of the book really is, and what's most helpful. These tips can be incorporated into your family in whatever context makes sense, whether that's bedtime, mealtime, in the car, or just spontaneously. Many of the conversation starters work for kids of all ages, so even if you've never had a dialogue about these topics before, you can use them from little kids to young adults.

I liked this book. It was a good read - and an easy read, with the short chapters and clear, concise explanations.

Disclosure: I received a complimentary digital copy of the book to facilitate this review.

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