I had the opportunity to interview Avital Binshtock, Lifestyle Editor, Sierra magazine about eco-friendly Valentine's tips.
1) How can people drop the hint to their significant others that they'd like to go green this year for Valentine's Day? If your sweetheart usually buys you jewelry for the occasion, stop into an antiques store together to admire the vintage jewelry. Casually mention that you heard that manufacturing one new gold ring produces 20 tons of mining waste (a true fact) and that you'd love something, say, Art Deco from the 1930s. Another thing you can do is to suggest alternate transportation ideas for Valentine's Day, like taking a bus to get to your date, renting a bicycle built for two, or planning that old romantic standby, a long walk.
2) What if one's partner is resistant to trying more eco-friendly options? Act as a role model. If you're the one making a restaurant reservation, for example, choose a place you know has amazing food but still has plenty of organic, vegetarian menu options with locally grown ingredients. Your significant other will see that living green doesn't need to mean giving up pleasure.
3) What can couples on a budget do to be as green as possible? One idea is to make your own cards from stuff that would've otherwise been thrown away. You can also grow your own flowers and make a bouquet out of those to give (this one takes some planning, so you can start thinking about this now for next year). If your sweetheart loves being outdoors, plan a great hike and bring along a picnic accented by a lovely and affordable organic wine like Fetzer. Or just stay in!
4) What is your personal favorite tip that Sierra features? Great question. There are so many good ones. But I'd have to go with "Less is more." Basically, try to live more minimally and your life will be enhanced. That can apply to everything, but in the context of Valentine's Day, for example, that can mean choosing a simply wrapped chocolate bar over those frilly heart-shaped boxes filled with plastic and paper. For more tips, go to sierramagazine.com.
Disclosure: I will receive a complimentary copy of Sierra Magazine as a thank you for this post.
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